Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt?

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt

With the rise of vapes around the world, vape manufacturers ensure they are on top of the industry.

Therefore, they constantly release new models of e-cigarettes. They likewise formulate different e-liquid flavours to come up with palatable and aromatic vapours. They then step up their marketing game so they can reach as many consumers as possible.

But not all vapes are made equal. While many provide tasty and refreshing hits, others tend to provide a burnt taste. If your vape somehow tastes burnt, then you should know the possible reasons behind this.

Why Does My Rechargeable Vape Taste Burnt?

If you are using a rechargeable vape and it recently released a burnt taste, you may have an issue with either its internal components or its e-liquid.

The number one component you should check is its coils. Coils vaporize the e-liquid and turn it into aerosol. After repeated use, these components wear out, giving you burnt hits. The only fix for this issue is to replace them.

Vaping on an almost empty e-liquid tank can also give you burnt hits. Once your vape juice content is nearing low levels, you must top up your tank right away. Aside from the burnt taste, you can determine if you are running out of juice if your hits have become less tasty.

If you’ve recently refilled the e-liquid tank and still experienced a burnt taste, it may mean you have not let the vape juice sit. This happens as the coils may have vaporized the wicking material instead of the vape juice. To avoid this, you should let the juice soak in for around 5 to 10 minutes before using the e-cigarette again.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt With New Coil?

Many things happen inside your vape when you puff.

The wicking material, mostly made from cotton, absorbs e-liquid for the heating element to process. The coil will then heat up, vaporizing the vape juice to produce vapour.

But coils, like other vape components, have a limited service life. Once you have exhausted your coil’s life, you will experience a burnt taste in every puff. Replacing the coil can solve this issue right away.

When you install a new coil, you must then prime it. Priming is an additional yet important step after coil installation since it saturates the wicking material before you take your first hit. 

To do this, you must drop a few drops of e-liquid directly into the hole where the top part of the coil is located. You must also add a single drop of the vape juice to each of the juice holes surrounding your coil.

Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt?

Many people prefer disposable vapes since they are affordable, beginner-friendly, and low-maintenance. They can, unfortunately, also taste burnt due to numerous reasons.

First, your disposable vape may taste burnt due to high coil temperature. This happens if you either just plugged the vaping device off the charger and took a puff right away or you already took many puffs in a short period of time.

The voltage of your vape coil will increase for a short time after plugging the device off the charger, resulting in a burnt taste when you hit it right away. To bring the voltage down, you must take light puffs for a short while without inhaling fully. After a while, you can try inhaling fully once the taste normalizes.

Chain vaping, or taking puffs excessively in a short time, causes your disposable vape to taste burnt. You can avoid this by waiting a few seconds before puffing, allowing your coil to cool down and re-saturate with vape juice.

You must also avoid vaping excessively since it causes health risks.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt After Charging?

Charging your vaping device normally only requires around 30 minutes to an hour before you can use it again for multiple puffs. But, if you notice some changes in your vape taste after charging it, perhaps a burnt one, then you don’t have to worry since it can be fixed right away.

After charging, your vape tends to pump out higher than usual voltage for the coil. Since this component will work at a higher power level, it will vaporize the e-liquid tremendously, producing a nasty burnt taste. So, after plugging the vape off the charger, you must deplete its battery gradually to bring the power output down.

You can do this by taking light puffs momentarily without inhaling them fully. You can then start inhaling fully until the taste normalizes.

Why Does My New Disposable Vape Taste Burnt?

Upon buying a new disposable vape, you can expect it to produce a refreshing taste. But if you end up getting a burnt taste, it may have some problems with its coil.

The coil, or the heating element, may have already been scorched due to overuse. Since you possess a disposable vape, this component can be difficult to replace without disassembling the device. If you can replace the scorched coil without damaging the disposable vape, go for it. Otherwise, you should just buy a new vape for your own safety.

Your new disposable vape can also taste burnt due to a manufacturing error. It may possess inefficient coils, ineffective wicks, or faulty batteries. If your vape tastes burnt out of the box, it would be the best time to switch to a different brand.

Native Smokes 4 Less sells disposable vapes from reputable brands, avoiding the risk of producing an unpleasant burnt taste.

Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt After Charging?

Vape manufacturers stuff disposable vapes with lithium-ion batteries so they can be recharged repeatedly in a short time.

Your disposable vape, despite being charged correctly, can still taste burnt due to the nature of the battery inside the device. 

The nominal voltage for disposable vapes is often set at 3.7V. But a newly charged lithium-ion battery of these devices can reach as high as 4.2V for a short time before returning to the nominal voltage. During these times, the coil will be powerful enough to vaporize the e-liquid excessively, generating aerosols with burnt taste.

If your disposable vape tastes burnt after charging, you must take light puffs first without inhaling them right away. Doing this can deplete the battery, gradually decreasing its power output. Once the vapour tastes right, it means that the voltage has been normalized.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt With New Pod?

When using a vape pod, one thing you must do is to replace the pod once the e-liquid inside your existing one has run out. Now, if your hits produce a burnt taste despite installing a new pod, it can be an issue with either the pod components or your vaping habit.

Your newly installed pod may already have some manufacturer defects like faulty coils and ineffective wicking material. If you continuously get burnt hits even though you just installed a new pod, you must contact your vape store and ask for a pod replacement immediately.

Another reason why your vape tastes burnt with a new pod is your vaping habit. Puffing too frequently does not give your pod’s wick to soak a decent volume of e-liquid. It will then dry out and burn, giving you a burn taste whenever you inhale the vapour. You should avoid chain vaping and take a moment for the pod’s wick to absorb and take in more vape juice.

Why Does My Vape Juice Taste Burnt?

The vape juice inside your vape is often made from nicotine, propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), and other chemicals. These ingredients ensure that the vapour from your device will taste and smell good. But if your vape juice tastes burnt, it can be caused by its content.

Your vape juice can taste burnt due to compatibility issues. Your e-liquid may contain a high VG content, which does not work well with a coil that has small wicking holes. It then prevents your coil from getting enough vape juice, leading to a burnt taste and dry hits.

To resolve this, you can either use a vape juice with a low VG content or switch a coil with larger wicking holes to handle your high VG e-liquid.

Why Does My Vape Pen Taste Burnt?

Many quality vape pens are available in the market today. One of them is the OVNS 2500 Disposable Vape. It features a sleek design and comes in a wide range of flavours.

Now, there are many potential reasons why your vape pen can taste burnt, even if you buy one from a trusted brand or supplier.

First, your vape pen’s e-liquid level is already low. The wick inside your vape pen absorbs the e-liquid so the heating element can vaporize it whenever you puff the device. If the e-liquid in your vape reaches a critically low level, the coil won’t have any vape juice to vaporize, generating a terrible burnt taste.

Puffing too frequently can also cause your vape pen to taste burnt. When you start noticing a burnt taste during your puffing sessions, you must slow down. It gives your vaping device’s wicking material enough time to soak up enough e-liquid for the coils to heat up and turn it into a tasty vapour instead of a burnt one.

Why Does My New Vape Taste Burnt?

When you purchase a new vape, you can expect its content to be intact. Even at half-charge, the vape can already produce satisfying hits during your first few puffs. But if it tastes burnt, it may only mean you have a faulty vaping device.

A vaping device with coil issues can cause the aerosols to taste burnt. These issues include damaged or faulty coils, incorrectly wrapped coils, and insufficient wicking materials. 

The use of poor-quality wicking materials can likewise lead to a burnt taste. Finally, a new vape can taste burnt due to e-liquid contamination, which is often caused by incorrect e-liquid filling and unexpected e-liquid impurities.

If you think you’ve got a defective vaping device, contact your retailer right away so you can receive your replacement as soon as possible.

Why Does My Vape Taste Bad but Not Burnt?

You can say that your vape is in good condition if it tastes good. But, if your vape does not produce a burnt hit but tastes bad, then the device may possess some issues.

Your coils, for instance, may require immediate replacement. A vape with a bad taste often signifies that the coil has deteriorated or has been working past its expected lifespan. Your coil is the main culprit if its wicking material has turned darker, which calls for an immediate replacement.

A dirty e-liquid vape tank can also be attributed to a bad vape taste. If your vape can be replenished with various flavours of e-liquids, then you must clean it before each refill to avoid mixing their taste profiles and ingredients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt?

Your vape may taste burnt due to old vape coils, ineffective wicking materials, and low-quality vaping juices. It can also be caused by overcharging the vape and puffing it in a very short interval.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt Sometimes?

Your vape can taste burnt sometimes due to undersaturated wicking materials, low e-liquid levels, and incompatible e-liquid content. Vaping too frequently without cooling down the coil can also lead to a burnt vape taste.

Why Does My Refillable Vape Taste Burnt?

Your refillable vape device might most likely taste burnt due to worn-out coils and low levels of e-liquid. You must ensure your vape has new coils and sufficient vape juice levels to prevent it from producing aerosols with a burnt taste.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt After One Day?

Your vape can taste burnt after one day due to low e-liquid volume, thick e-liquid composition, and faulty coils. It can also taste burnt after purchasing the device due to chain vaping as it can easily dry out the coil.


Vapes can produce a burnt taste if equipped with old or faulty components like coils and wicks. They can also taste burnt due to using incompatible or low-quality vaping juice.

Aside from their components, a burnt taste can also exist among vapes due to vaping habits. Using the vapes excessively prevents their coils from processing enough e-liquid, resulting in aerosols with burnt taste. The same thing can likewise happen if the vapes are used right away after charging.

All these issues can be prevented if you clean and maintain your vape regularly. You must also regulate your vaping frequency and charging habits to avoid getting burnt hits.