Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes?

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes

Cigarettes have been in the market for a very long time, spanning centuries of existence. From rolling crushed tobacco in papers to just buying cigarettes in a pack, the tobacco industry has made it easier for people to buy smokes whenever they feel like it.

One question, however, that comes to mind is why people smoke cigarettes. How to hide cigarette smells is another concern for smokers, especially in social or professional settings. Despite the mounting evidence that links cigarette smoke to a wide variety of illnesses one could get from cigarettes, many people all over the world still lean towards these tobacco products. Is it truly difficult to quit smoking? Are their day-to-day lives heavily affected by nicotine withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking?

NativeSmokes4Less is here to provide answers to questions regarding adults smoking cigarettes. This blog also tackles some facts about tobacco smoke and other details that both smokers and non-smokers would like to know.

Why Do People Start Smoking?

To understand why people start smoking, it’s best to know the basics of cigarettes first.

Most cigarettes today are made from tobacco, a filter, chemical additives, and paper wrapping. To use these tobacco products, you only have to get one from the packaging, put the filtered end between your lips, and light the other end of the cigarette with a lighter. After lighting the cigarettes, you can inhale the smoke through the filter and exhale it through your mouth or nose. It is important to note that cigarettes contain harmful chemicals and carcinogens that can cause serious health problems over time. Despite their widespread use, cigarettes have been linked to various diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues.

As you inhale the smoke from the cigarette, tons of chemicals get into your system. One of these chemicals is nicotine.

Nicotine is a highly addictive chemical compound that you get whenever you smoke a cigarette. It is naturally produced by tobacco, which is one of the key ingredients of cigarettes. As you puff a cigarette, the nicotine gets delivered to your brain within seconds. It then causes numerous effects on your body. For instance, you’ll feel a buzz of energy and pleasure that lasts for a short time. Your blood pressure, heart, and blood flow to the heart then all become elevated as nicotine enters your body.

You’ll experience more effects of nicotine whenever you smoke cigarettes, especially in the long term. But given the addicting nature of nicotine, why do people start smoking in the first place?

There are a couple of potential reasons why people start smoking in the first place.

  • Parental influence: The growth and development of a child depend highly on their relationship with their parents. If a child grows up in a home where they encounter a smoking parent, their chances of starting smoking increase substantially compared to those raised by non-smokers. Additionally, children who are allowed to watch films portraying smokers in a positive light may view cigarette smoking as a good habit, increasing their chances of doing it in the future. 
  • Peer pressure: Many individuals, particularly during their teenage years, view smoking as a “cool” habit, especially when they are with peers who engage in regular smoking. This perception is further reinforced by the belief that cigarette smoking serves as a means of socializing and finding potential partners, as it is seen as a gateway to entering social groups. Even in workplaces, some individuals start smoking cigarettes to fit in and conform to the prevailing social norms of their new work environment, which is also an effect of peer pressure among adult smokers.
  • Media influence: Throughout history, smoking cigarettes has been portrayed by films and television as desirable and trendy, influencing teenagers the most. The only time this portrayal has gradually diminished is when the connection between smoking and lung cancer and other illnesses has been officially established, pushing the media to show more educational campaigns about the true effects of cigarette smoking on one’s health.
  • Stress: Another reason why people lean towards cigarette smoking is stress. Some individuals turn to smoking as they know cigarettes can alleviate stress. While cigarettes do provide temporary relief, their addictive nature only leads to nicotine addiction and increased smoking habits. So, whenever an individual has to deal with a stressful situation, they just light a cigarette to calm themselves down. This becomes a cycle, binding people to their smoking addiction. It then becomes difficult for these individuals to quit tobacco use.

The reasons behind your cigarette smoking habits might differ from others. Perhaps you’ve been influenced by your work colleagues or acquaintances to smoke so you can socialize more frequently. Alternatively, you might turn to cigarette smoking as a coping mechanism to alleviate negative emotions triggered by stressful situations or a sudden loss in life. Facts about smoking cigarettes reveal that it is not only a common social activity but also one with significant health risks, such as increased likelihood of lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues. Despite its calming effects for some, smoking contributes to premature aging, reduced lung capacity, and secondhand smoke hazards for those nearby.

If you want to stop smoking, one of the things you can do is join a quit-smoking program. A support group can help you resist your urges to smoke cigarettes while going through withdrawal symptoms and stress. Nicotine replacement therapy tools may likewise help you curb any urges to cigarette smoking. You must also stay around people who don’t smoke so you won’t have to deal with the temptation to light up a cigarette just to hang out and talk with them.

Why Do People Still Smoke Cigarettes?

Since the 1950s, cigarette smoke has been associated with different illnesses and diseases due to the chemicals found in various medical studies and research. Some of these chemicals include tar, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, and cadmium. When they enter your body, they contribute to a wide variety of illnesses and diseases in various body systems.

Some illnesses you can get from smoking cigarettes due to tobacco smoke include lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, heart disease, stroke, asthma, and diabetes. Among these illnesses, lung cancer is said to be the deadliest condition you can get when you smoke cigarettes.

Cigarette smoke, after all, travels directly into your lungs. So, when the harmful chemicals from tobacco smoke enter your lungs, they can gradually damage the key parts of your lungs until you’re diagnosed with lung cancer or other diseases related to your respiratory system.

Despite the harmful effects of cigarettes, many smokers still smoke them on a regular basis. While the smoking rates around the world have also declined, the number of people who smoke is still high. The most sensible reason behind this is the presence of nicotine in cigarettes.

As discussed earlier, nicotine is a highly addictive chemical found in cigarette smoke through tobacco. Once people smoke, nicotine and other chemicals are absorbed into their blood through the lungs. From there, the highly addictive chemical compounds spread quickly throughout the body. 

When they take in small amounts of nicotine, it causes them to feel somehow relaxed and pleasant, distracting them from negative emotions and thoughts. It then makes them want to smoke more cigarettes. Nicotine, after all, floods your brain’s reward circuits known as dopamine. It can also give them hints of adrenaline rush, which raises their heart rate and blood pressure.

But once the effects of nicotine wear off, they may start to feel irritated. To get rid of this uneasy feeling, one thing they may probably do is to light up another cigarette. Once they smoke another cigarette, their unpleasant feelings go away, and the cycle continues. The longer they don’t smoke, their withdrawal symptoms may get worse over time.

Remember, the more they smoke cigarettes, the higher their nicotine content in your blood will be. Consequently, they’ll need more cigarettes to achieve the soothing effect they desire with each smoke. This phenomenon is known as tolerance. 

Over time, they’ll become increasingly reliant on nicotine, leading to physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms if they decide to quit smoking. These symptoms can include irritability, nervousness, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. Their nicotine dependence then becomes nicotine addiction, making it extremely challenging for them to overcome their smoking habit. 

So, people still smoke cigarettes despite the harmful effects of cigarettes due to their dependence on nicotine and its soothing effects. And even though a lot of them want to quit smoking, they often fail to ditch cigarettes after a few weeks of trying since they have already depended on nicotine to manage their unpleasant feelings and emotions.

Fortunately, smoking cessation is still achievable with the right tools and support groups. Since most smokers depend on nicotine for the relaxing sensation, they don’t need to light up cigarettes to get the said substance. They can opt for tobacco-free nicotine products instead to save themselves from the harmful effects of tobacco. 

One of these products is nicotine pouches, which you can get at NS4L.

Why Are Some People More Likely to Smoke?

There are several notable figures you should be aware of regarding tobacco use globally.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 22.3% of the world’s population has used tobacco products. Notably, around 80% of the 1.3 billion tobacco users worldwide reside in low- and middle-income countries. Tragically, tobacco products have a devastating impact, leading to the premature deaths of up to half of their users who are unable to quit.

Furthermore, around 8 million individuals lose their lives annually due to tobacco-related causes. This figure includes 1.3 million non-smokers who are unfortunately exposed to secondhand smoke.

While the total percentage of smokers around the world is low, it’s safe to assume that cigarette smoking is still one of the most common sources of nicotine. Now, a number of reasons may be pointed out as to why some individuals around the world are more likely to smoke than others.

First, individuals who are close to or live among smoking parents, siblings, or peers are more likely to smoke than others. Many smokers tend to start at a young age, specifically during their early teenage years. Traditional cigarettes have often been viewed as a symbol of independence, which has been the advertised message by many cigarette companies and brands for the last few decades.

Philip Morris, for instance, uses “I am no longer my mother’s child” and “I am tough” campaigns to advertise cigarettes, which target young people and entice them to smoke at a young age. 

Through the intensified promotion of cigarettes as a symbol of independence, individuals who reside with parents, siblings, or peers who smoke are also drawn to smoking cigarettes. Once they smoke, they believe that other people who smoke can now see them as their equals and perceive them as someone who has the guts and courage to become an adult.

This pattern persists until they become adults, when cigarettes become an integral part of their lives, serving not only as a means of socializing but also as a source of relaxation. From the habit of assimilating with their surroundings, they find themselves smoking cigarettes whenever they work or talk with others who also smoke them.

Additionally, individuals living in a relatively deprived neighbourhood are bound to smoke cigarettes as well. Cigarette brands, similar to what they’ve done for promoting cigarettes to young people, have also targeted their campaigns to low-income communities for many decades.

You see, cigarettes used to be a luxury since they could be expensive to purchase, especially during the late 19th century. The smoking rate was higher among those with more years of education. It then shifted when cigarette brands decided to redirect their campaigns toward low-income individuals. There were even some points in history when these brands would hand out free cigarettes to children in housing projects and issue tobacco coupons with food stamps or other financial products.

Those living in poverty cannot be blamed if they start and continue to smoke. 

Despite the growing concern regarding smoking cigarettes, the daily stress of living in these communities has pushed them to continue with the habit. The only thing they believe that can save them from the daily stress, after all, is the soothing effect of nicotine from cigarette smoke.

Lastly, people who experience stress, difficulties in life, and other challenges in daily living are more likely to smoke than others who already have healthier coping mechanisms. 

Challenges and problems in life are normal. It’s up to an individual on how to deal with it. Some people can deal with issues without resorting to cigarettes, while others rely on nicotine and other substances to feel relaxed and calm their senses down. 

Those who struggle academically or socially have the option to either smoke cigarettes as a coping mechanism or work on themselves to be better. The same options are available for those who have recently lost a loved one, attained a huge debt, and so on.

Of course, not all individuals think and process their emotions similarly. 

Hence, judging those who smoke cigarettes to cope with difficult situations is unnecessary and adds more to the struggles of those affected.

When these people continue to smoke for a long time, it can become more difficult for them to break the habit even if they decide to finally quit. And with the advent of more nicotine products in the market like vaping products, they have only gained access to more sources of nicotine.

Why Do People Smoke Menthol Cigarettes?

Many flavours of cigarettes exist in the market today. But one particular flavour of cigarettes that many smokers buy and smoke every day is menthol. 

Menthol cigarettes are now available at low prices at NativeSmokes4Less, your trusted online retailer of different tobacco products in Canada.

Menthol is a chemical that can be found in peppermint and other mint plants. But through technological advancements, this particular chemical can also be made in a laboratory today. 

The history of menthol cigarettes started in the 1920s and 1930s when menthol was first added to tobacco products during these times. One benefit of adding menthol to cigarettes is it minimizes the harshness of cigarette smoke whenever smokers inhale it. It also decreases the irritation one may get from consuming nicotine through tobacco smoke.

These benefits are then capitalized on by cigarette brands, making sure menthol cigarettes can appeal to new smokers, youth, and many more demographics all over the world. They continue to market these cigarettes for their soothing and cooling effects.

All these things have led a huge number of people all over the world to smoke menthol cigarettes. Currently, there are almost 19 million people who smoke menthol cigarettes. Young people who start smoking then choose menthol cigarettes as their flavour of choice due to the refreshing taste and aroma of the cigarettes whenever they puff one.

The addition of menthol in a cigarette, after all, alleviates airway pain and irritation caused by cigarette smoke. Additionally, it suppresses coughing, which creates the illusion of easier breathing for smokers. 

Despite these alleged benefits, the added menthol flavouring to the cigarettes only masks the early warning symptoms of smoking-induced respiratory problems. It also pushes smokers to become more addicted to cigarettes as it enhances the effects of nicotine on the brain.

Scientific data has even indicated that menthol cigarette smokers are less likely to quit smoking successfully than those who smoke non-menthol cigarettes.

Given the effects of menthol cigarettes on smokers and those who want to quit smoking, different countries all over the world have started to regulate their sales in the market. Canada, for instance, has banned menthol cigarettes in 2015. It then led to a huge increase in the number of smokers who attempted to ditch cigarettes and quit successfully.

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes When Stressed?

As discussed earlier, people smoke cigarettes due to stress.

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension that may come from any thought or event. It can make you feel frustrated, nervous, or even angry. There are two types of stress:

  • Acute stress: Acute stress is a type of stress that comes in short bursts and goes away quickly. This feeling can be positive as it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. When you suddenly slam on the brakes, have a fight with your partner, or ski down a steep slope, you often feel this type of stress. So, basically, it helps you manage situations that can be dangerous for you. 
  • Chronic stress: Chronic stress is a type of stress that persists for a long time, usually for weeks or months. You feel this type of stress if you have money problems, trouble at work, an unhappy marriage or relationship with your significant other, or have obtained significant health concerns. Failure to manage this type of stress often leads to health problems. 

Out of these types of stress, chronic stress is the one that can be harmful for many people. If you have chronic stress, your body stays alert even if there is no danger present at a given time. This then puts you at risk for health problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression or anxiety, menstrual problems, and skin problems. 

Some symptoms that you’re stressed include diarrhea or constipation, forgetfulness, frequent aches and pains in various parts of your body, headaches, lack of energy or focus, sexual problems, stiff jaw or neck, tiredness, trouble sleeping or sleeping too much, upset stomach, and weight gain or loss.

Stressed individuals can already have difficulties in accomplishing tasks or concentrating due to the symptoms mentioned above. So, to alleviate these symptoms, many of them opt for cigarettes.

When you smoke cigarettes, they release nicotine that gets into your body a few seconds after inhaling the smoke. The nicotine works almost right away, improving your mood and concentration, decreasing anger and stress, relaxing your muscles, and reducing your appetite. 

This substance can even alleviate withdrawal symptoms, which can also be a source of stress for some individuals. As long as you continue smoking cigarettes, you won’t have to worry about experiencing nicotine withdrawal symptoms that could hinder your ability to work or continue with your daily life.

Research, however, has shown that smoking cigarettes may actually increase anxiety and tension, not the other way around. While nicotine creates an immediate sense of relief and relaxation, this sensation is temporary. After the effects of nicotine have diminished, your cravings for cigarettes increase. Even if you smoke, it only alleviates your withdrawal symptoms, not the underlying causes of your stress. Smoking doesn’t address the root causes of your anxiety or provide a lasting solution.

So, without addressing the main causes of your anxiety and stress, you will only rely on cigarettes repeatedly. This then creates a cycle of nicotine and tobacco dependence, which contributes to more health issues rather than solving your existing problems.

Without addressing the primary causes of your anxiety and stress, you’ll just continue to rely on cigarettes repeatedly.This creates a cycle of nicotine and tobacco dependence, which makes your existing problems worse rather than resolving them.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress and it’s already impacted your health, it’s advisable to reach out to your healthcare provider. They might refer you to a mental health professional, enabling you to discuss your feelings, the stressors in your life, and potential reasons for your perceived issues. They can then offer strategies to manage stress without resorting to harmful substances like cigarettes.

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes When Drunk?

Many people crave cigarettes whenever they get drunk. What could be the reason behind this?

Before we delve deeper into the connection between drinking and smoking, we must first explore the effects of alcohol on our bodies.

When you drink alcohol, its substances activate reward pathways in the brain, which leads to the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Dopamine is a hormone that’s related to the feelings of pleasure and reward. As you drink more alcohol and get drunk, the said hormone intensifies the pleasure sensations you may experience during your drinking session. 

Alcohol can then lower your inhibitions and impair judgment. This makes you susceptible to cravings, which may include cigarettes, and less likely to resist the urge to do things you don’t often do when you’re sober, which is to smoke. 

Other effects of consuming alcohol include changes in mood and behaviour, difficulty in moving and thinking clearly, and gradual damage to your organs like the heart, liver, pancreas, and many more.

Notice that alcohol can activate the reward pathways in your brain. This is highly similar to what you often experience when you smoke cigarettes. The nicotine content of tobacco smoke also pushes you to smoke cigarettes until you’re satisfied with the effects of the addictive chemical. You may then link both activities together, and could only be satisfied if you do them at the same time. This is often known as a conditioned response.

Social influences are also a potential reason why you might want to smoke cigarettes when drunk. If you’re surrounded by people who smoke during a drinking session, you are more likely to do the same thing as a way to socialize and fit in.

Now, smoking cigarettes while drinking alcohol or when you’re intoxicated only makes hangovers worse. Upon waking up after a heavy night, you often feel nauseous and sick due to excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.

So, if you’re already a smoker and you drink alcohol, you have a higher chance of smoking cigarettes when you’re drunk as alcohol triggers your nicotine cravings and lowers your inhibitions. You may likewise smoke cigarettes when drunk due to peer pressure and conditioned response to smoking while drinking. And if you’re in the middle of a smoking cessation journey, drinking alcohol can most likely ruin your progress as it only increases your likelihood of relapse.

To avoid smoking when you’re hanging out with your friends and colleagues, you can try and do the following things:

  • Keep your hands busy. You can play with your watch, necklace, or phone to help prevent yourself from reaching to and smoking cigarettes.
  • Condition yourself. Prior to the drinking session, conditioning yourself as to how you would respond to people offering you cigarettes may help you not give in to peer pressure. Saying “no” sometimes can actually save you from turning back to smoking.
  • Ask for support. Your friends and colleagues, especially the closest ones, should be informed of your quit-smoking plan. You can tell them about your need to stop smoking while drinking so they can support you and not offer you any cigarettes anymore.
  • Stick to one or two drinks. You don’t have to get drunk to enjoy your time with your colleagues and friends. Drinking one or two drinks is already enough so your nicotine cravings won’t kick in. If possible, you can drink water between drinks to somehow replenish your system.
  • Take a walk or go home. Sometimes, drinking parties can be fun. However, nicotine cravings may be activated when you’ve already drank too many alcoholic drinks. If possible, take a walk around the block. If it’s getting too tough, try to hire a cab and go home.

As you resist the need to smoke cigarettes, you’re helping your mind to sever the connection between drinking and smoking. You can then teach yourself to quit smoking slowly, one day at a time.

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes After Sex?

Smoking after sex has been a common practice for quite some time. After all, some individuals find it more enjoyable to indulge in a cigarette or two with the person they just shared the bed with.

But the connection between smoking cigarettes and sex has been linked organically by cigarette brands. The science behind smoking cigarettes after sex remains unclear as these tobacco products are often known for actually lowering one’s libido. Nonetheless, through successful campaigns by cigarette brands, smokers have slowly picked up the habit of smoking one after doing the deed.

Additionally, movies and even television series from the 1940s and until now often showcase scenes where characters, especially women, would smoke cigarettes after sex, giving the viewers an idea that doing it can help them relax, culminate, and capstone their respective sexual experience. 

So, why do people smoke after sex? One potential reason is the influence of the media on the portrayal of both activities. It encourages smokers to also do the same thing as a way to relax and somehow bond together while they process everything that has happened.

The effects of smoking cigarettes after sex, however, may still be attributed to nicotine.

Nicotine, as previously mentioned, induces a relaxing sensation whenever you smoke cigarettes. Interestingly, smoking after sex seems to have a similar effect, relaxing your body and enhancing your senses. The buzz from nicotine can also reduce the refractory period between orgasms, which means your desire to engage in sexual activity can quickly resurface. 

Another reason why people smoke after sex is retrospection. When you smoke with your partner after having sex, you can take the time to bond with your partner in a more intimate way. It gives you a chance to have a more meaningful and deeper conversation and further strengthen your relationship.

Others then smoke cigarettes after sex as a part of their habit or routine. Similar to smoking cigarettes after having a meal or when drunk, some people smoke cigarettes after sex. Without performing this habit or routine, these people tend to crave more nicotine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main reasons people smoke cigarettes?

One of the main reasons people smoke cigarettes is social influences. Social influences play a crucial role; peer pressure, cultural norms, and the desire to conform encourage smoking, particularly among younger individuals. Another reason is stress. People who want to alleviate anxiety find smoking relaxing, which becomes a cycle of habit until they depend solely on cigarettes.

Why did humans start smoking?

Humans started smoking using tobacco and other plants as a part of religious ceremonies and healing rituals. Tobacco smoking was then believed to hold spiritual significance, serving as a means of connecting with deities or ancestors.

What’s the point of smoking tobacco?

The main point of smoking tobacco is to feel the soothing effects of nicotine. As you smoke tobacco, its nicotine travels to your brain and triggers the release of dopamine, fostering feelings of reward and reducing stress. Smoking tobacco also serves as a means to take breaks and social activity, giving structure to one’s daily routines.

Why do people want a cigarette after sex?

Many people want a cigarette after sex because of the combination of nicotine and the body’s natural state post-sex. Lighting up a cigarette after sex amplifies the feeling of satisfaction, allowing individuals to prolong the pleasure, relax, and enhance the moment of intimacy.

What does a cigarette do after sex?

A cigarette after sex elevates feelings of relaxation and satisfaction by providing a quick dose of nicotine, which stimulates the brain’s dopamine release. This creates a sense of pleasure and calm. Moreover, the ritual of smoking can serve as a moment of reflection or bonding, making it a comforting habit for some individuals after an intense experience.

Why do people still continue to smoke?

Despite the dangers associated with smoking, people continue to do it primarily due to nicotine addiction as it generates strong physical and psychological dependencies that can be difficult to break. Additionally, factors like social influence, habit, and misconceptions about its calming effects can make smoking cessation challenging.

Why do people smoke cigarettes emotionally?

People smoke cigarettes as a means of coping with stress, anxiety, or negative emotions. Nicotine acts as a mood regulator since it stimulates the release of dopamine, which can temporarily elevate mood and provide a sense of comfort.

Is smoking emotion-focused coping?

Yes, smoking can be viewed as an emotion-focused coping mechanism since it’s often employed to manage or alleviate negative emotions like stress, anxiety, or sadness. It is brought by the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters, offering a fleeting sense of relief and comfort. This habit, however, culminates in addiction and poses significant health risks over time.

Why do I want to smoke even though I don’t?

The urge to smoke even if you don’t can be triggered by psychological and social factors. Stress, curiosity, and exposure to others who are smoking can all play a role. You might even link smoking with relaxation or a way to cope with certain emotions, especially if you’ve seen it used as a stress reliever. 


Even though cigarettes have been linked to many illnesses, a huge percentage of the global population still smokes due to a wide variety of reasons. 

Some may be influenced by their families or friends, while others might be pressured by their colleagues at work. A number of smokers also start smoking due to stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that they feel and encounter in life, pushing them to depend on cigarettes as a way to cope. 

While smoking cigarettes can alleviate stress and provide a relaxing sensation, research shows it may only increase anxiety and tension, especially if you rely on them too much. You may even feel sick after smoking cigarettes, which you can alleviate by following a couple of tips. 

Generally, however, it’s highly recommended to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke until you don’t smoke anymore. You should then call for professional help to help you succeed with your quit-smoking journey.