Scientific Facts About Vaping That You Should Know

Scientific Facts About Vaping That You Should Know

Millions of users around the world now turn to vaping as an alternative to cigarette smoking. A huge percentage of cigarette smokers, after all, believe that e-cigarette use can help them tone down their nicotine addiction.

The effects and implications of vaping on the health of users, however, are limited. Data showcasing the effects of this activity is still scarce. Therefore, further research is required to confirm if using e-cigarettes can gradually minimize one’s nicotine cravings and generate less impact on one’s body.

Nevertheless, a number of scientific facts are already present to highlight several effects of vaping on users as well as debunk common myths. Here are some scientific facts about vaping you must know.

Vaping Is Less Harmful Than Smoking, but It’s Still Not Safe

Tobacco use, in general, is harmful, whatever form it is. One popular form of tobacco use is smoking.

Cigarettes, cigars, and other smoking products contain tobacco. As you smoke, the nicotine in tobacco products can be delivered quickly to your brain. You then start to become dependent on nicotine for that extra excitement due to adrenaline release, which makes it more difficult to quit.

But nicotine is not the sole source of harm in smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products.

The smoke, which comes from burning these products, contains thousands of chemicals. They include hydrogen cyanide, formaldehyde, lead, arsenic, ammonia, and radioactive elements. Continuous exposure to these substances may cause heart disease, lung disease, and other serious health problems. These health implications can then cause death.

As a safer alternative, smokers have switched to vaping as it does not require burning tobacco. Instead, it uses a battery-operated electronic cigarette to heat the vaping juice and convert it into aerosol. The aerosol can then be puffed by the vape user, similar to hitting a cigar or cigarette. One popular Canadian brand of vape today is STLTH, known for its affordable and innovative disposable vapes.

While vaping avoids the harmful effects of cigar or cigarette smoke from burning tobacco products, it is still not safe. The aerosol you inhale from e-cigarettes still contains nicotine. It also has flavorings and chemicals that are possibly harmful to one’s health. 

In October 2021, research by The Johns Hopkins University found that many vaping liquids may contain potentially harmful substances. They include a pesticide, chemicals not previously found in e-cigarettes, and two flavorings all linked with respiratory irritation and possible toxic effects. Thousands of unknown chemicals were also found in the e-liquid.

The Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) has likewise recently confirmed the growing cases of EVALI or e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury, with multiple deaths associated with this condition. 

Those with EVALI are known to have used modified vaping devices or black market modified e-liquids, especially those containing Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Hence, the CDC recommends vape users avoid using THC-containing vaping products, devices from informal sources, and highly modified substances.

Electronic Cigarettes Are Just as Addictive as Traditional Ones

When talking about vapes vs cigars and other smoking products, many people compare their composition, how they work, and what option is more addicting.

The tobacco plant is one of the key ingredients in manufacturing traditional smoking products like cigars and cigarettes. One thing that makes this ingredient highly addictive is nicotine, a toxic substance that can elevate your blood pressure, spike your adrenaline, and boost dopamine levels. Regular intake of this addictive substance increases your heart rate and the chance of having a heart attack.

As previously mentioned, smoking tobacco cigarettes and other products can deliver nicotine to one’s brain pretty quickly. The substance will then wire the brain to crave more, which pushes the smoker to buy and light up more cigars or cigarettes. 

Electronic cigarettes may not contain tobacco plants, but most vaping juices available in the market today are still infused with nicotine.

Nicotine is still present in e-liquids sold in the market today. Even disposable vapes, which cannot be refilled, mostly contain nicotine out of the box. So, once an individual inhales the aerosol from the e-cigarette, they can absorb this chemical through the blood vessels lining the lungs as fast as 10 seconds.

Aside from the quick transport of nicotine on one’s body, the portability and convenience of vapes make them just as addictive as traditional cigarettes and cigars. 

Since they are easy to carry and only require to be charged or refilled (for the refillable ones), users find themselves puffing the devices more frequently, resulting in higher nicotine use and dependence.

There Are Chemicals in Vaping Juices

Even though vaping does not involve burning tobacco ingredients like the ones found in traditional smoking products, the e-liquid still contains ingredients that can be harmful to one’s health, especially for those who are vaping regularly. It may also release some chemicals upon vaporization, adding some risks to one’s health.

Some of the most common ingredients of vaping juices include nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, and flavoring. Nicotine is a compound that affects one’s heart and breathing, which also makes vaping addictive. Other base ingredients may not be toxic when ingested orally. However, they may pose adverse health effects once heated and vaporized.

A study in 2018 by Nicotine & Tobacco Research discovered that the reactions between flavorings and propylene glycol can expose vape users to similar health risks related to traditional cigarettes. 

The same thing can be said about other chemicals in vaping juices. Even without combustion, vaporizing them will result in compounds that can gradually harm one’s airways once inhaled. These chemicals include diacetyl, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, acrolein, lead, and cadmium.

Handling Vaping Liquids Safely Requires Some Attention

Most vaping liquids today are stored in small bottles or containers, often made from plastic or glass. They may come in a wide range of flavors, nicotine strengths, and volumes.

Despite their differences, all vaping liquids should be treated similarly and handled properly to prevent unwanted accidents.

Without proper handling and storage, these e-liquids may lead to accidental ingestion and skin absorption. Children and pets may also be exposed to the chemicals found in these juices, which can cause serious health issues like seizure, respiratory arrest, coma, and death.

To handle e-liquids properly, you must store them away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Exposing them to light and heat can degrade their nicotine and flavorings, compromising their quality and making them harmful. You can store these in a cool, dark place like a cupboard.

Moreover, vaping juices must be kept out of reach of children and pets. These things contain chemicals that can be dangerous if they ingest them accidentally, even in small amounts. Placing these e-liquids in a secure box or locked cupboard can prevent them from accessing them accidentally.

Lastly, you should keep your e-liquids in their original bottles or containers since they are designed to be leak-proof, secure, and child-resistant. But, if you need to transfer the vaping juices to other containers, make sure they are labelled clearly. You should also opt for those with child-proof, secure caps.

Preventing Injuries From Lithium-Ion Batteries Used With Vaping Devices Is Very Easy

Vapes are battery-operated devices that can only operate and be activated if they have enough charge. These electronic cigarettes have lithium-ion batteries inside, which can be recharged repeatedly for multiple months or over a year. Their battery life often depends on the rated battery capacity as well as vaping habits.

One common issue with e-cigarette use has to do with the batteries. Many e-cigarettes for the past few years have been reported to catch on fire or even explode, causing injuries to people. Injuries may include deep cuts, severe burns, and broken bones.

To prevent injuries from lithium-ion batteries, you must make sure they are charged properly.

One tip you must do with your vape is to avoid charging it overnight or unattended. Doing this increases the chance of overcharging its battery, causing it to overheat, explode, and catch fire. Another tip is to only charge the device with the charger provided by the manufacturer. Avoid topping up its battery with a phone or tablet charger to avoid causing damage to the e-cigarette.

Your vape must also be charged and left on a clean, flat surface that is free from clutter. Charging the device can make its components hot. If the device is placed on a couch or under a pillow, the vape may overheat more easily and catch fire. It must also be kept away from direct sunlight while charging to prevent sudden device explosion.

If you notice yourself charging your vape more frequently than before, you should replace the whole device with a new one soon. The battery of your e-cigarette has also degraded if the e-cigarette starts to get hotter than usual, has leaks, and provides underwhelming hits.

You must also know the basics of proper vape disposal to prevent its batteries from causing harm to the environment.

The Mechanics of a Vape Are Quite Simple

Vaping devices do not require a lighter to provide the needed nicotine hit by a vape user. Instead, they process the e-liquid stored in the cartridge and release electronic cigarette aerosols with the help of various components. The vaping juice may come in a variety of flavors and nicotine strengths.

As the vape user presses a button or puffs into the device, vaporization commences, which is done by the atomizer and its coils. The atomizer converts the e-liquid into vapor. The coils are part of the atomizer, which is responsible for heating the e-liquid. Usually, they must be replaced regularly to maintain quality hits.

The whole vaporization process is only possible if the vape’s rechargeable battery has a charge. Usually, it takes an hour or two for the device to charge fully. Know the best long lasting disposable vapes you can buy in the market today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Scientific Facts About Vaping?

One scientific fact about vaping is it is less harmful than smoking due to the absence of tobacco smoke, which is composed of harmful carbon monoxide, tar, and other toxic chemicals. However, it is still not safe due to the compounds formed when vaporizing e-liquids. Moreover, vaping does not also largely help in alleviating nicotine consumption due to the presence of nicotine in most vaping juices sold in the market today.

What Kind of Chemicals Are in Vape Juices?

Vape juices are infused with chemicals that give them the needed flavored hit by vape users. One of these chemicals is nicotine, a substance that makes vaping addicting. E-liquids are also mixed with glycerine, propylene glycol, and others, which can also become harmful once heated and inhaled through aerosols.

Is There Scientific Evidence That Vaping Is Harmful?

Even though scientific studies about vaping are not as extensive as those related to smoking, a lot of them have deduced that vaping can indeed be harmful, especially in the long term. When processed into aerosols, chemicals found in vaping juices pose health risks to vape users. They include lung and cardiovascular diseases. Secondhand aerosol can also cause harm due to the presence of nicotine and miniscule particles that can enter the respiratory system.


Due to the rising number of vape users globally, which include youth and young adults as well as adult smokers, medical experts are keen on discovering scientific facts behind vaping.

As more studies come to light, a lot of things become clearer. For instance, research suggests that vaping can still be addictive to users who want to quit smoking as high nicotine levels are still present in e-liquids, as opposed to the belief that it can minimize nicotine dependence. Chemicals in vaping juices are also deemed to be harmful, especially if they are heated and inhaled.

Nicotine pouches are deemed to be an alternative option to vaping as they do not release vape aerosol and its associated volatile organic compounds.

Aside from the potential risks of aerosols, vapes can likewise pose health dangers due to improper handling of the e-liquid and battery. Storing the e-liquid safely and charging the vaping device properly can all help in preventing accidents and fatal injuries.