How Is Chewing Tobacco Made?

How Is Chewing Tobacco Made

Smokeless tobacco use has been increasing gradually for the past few years. And one reason behind this is that many former smokers are switching to less harmful alternative ways of consuming tobacco.

One prime example of smokeless tobacco that you may have encountered in the market right now is chewing tobacco. Chewing tobacco is a smokeless tobacco product that is literally made from tobacco leaves sweetened with sugar, molasses, or other similar substances, which are all packed in a pouch. 

So, how is chewing tobacco made? Discover the intricacies of producing chewing tobacco and how it is made from various parts of the world. Also, get to know various types of chewing tobacco, their key differences, and how they are produced and consumed.

How Chewing Tobacco Is Made: Step by Step

When it comes to tobacco products, one would immediately think about cigarette smoking. After all, it is the most popular mode of consuming tobacco leaves, especially for the past few decades. But as more medical studies point out the dangers and health risks associated with cigarettes, many smokers are attempting to ditch these tobacco products and find a much safer alternative.

Enter chewing tobacco. Many believe that chewing tobacco presents a safer option for consuming tobacco since it doesn’t require combustion.

Many studies pointed out that the combustion of tobacco ingredients in cigarettes is the main reason why harmful carcinogens and chemicals are produced. Once inhaled continuously, cigarette smoke can put an individual at risk of developing lung cancer, heart disease, and many more.

Chewing tobacco doesn’t require combustion, regardless of the type you’ll be consuming. To date, you have the option to pick between chew and plug. If you opted for the chew, you only have to place it between your cheek and gums for numerous hours and literally chew the tobacco leaves. As for the plug, you only need to bite off or cut a piece of the plugoff and put it in your mouth.

Before you get to enjoy chewing tobacco, it must be made delicately by manufacturers first to give you a pleasurable tobacco experience every time you place one in your mouth. Generally, a number of steps are taken by most chewing tobacco manufacturers to ensure they produce the best products out there.

Some notable steps of making chewing tobacco include the following.

Harvest Tobacco Leaves

Tobacco takes around a month or two (typically around 70 to 130 days) to grow and mature before they are ready for harvesting. Once their leaves have reached a certain colour, depending on their type and the desired flavour, they are harvested through one of the two methods.

One method involves cutting the entire tobacco plant, splitting or spearing it, and hanging the stalk on a tobacco stick or lath. Another method involves removing the leaves at intervals as they grow and mature. Aromatic tobacco leaves are then strung using a needle, while flue-cured tobacco leaves are looped using a string tied to a lath or stick hung in a curing barn.

Now, to make sure that the leaves will not break or get bruised during the handling phase, they are subjected to wilting without sunburning. Therefore, they are typically left in the field for a few hours to two days to attain these desired characteristics.

The most common types of tobacco leaves that are harvested to produce chewing tobacco are Nicotiana rustica and Nicotiana tabacum.

  • Nicotiana rustica: Mostly known as Wild Tobacco, this variety of tobacco typically contains up to nine times more nicotine than other varieties of tobacco. This is the reason why many chewing tobacco makers rely on this variety of tobacco to make their products potent. Aside from being used as chewing tobacco, it can also be used in making pipe tobacco and ceremonial tobacco.
  • Nicotiana tabacum: Another variety of tobacco that’s often used by manufacturers is Nicotiana tabacum. Containing around 0.5-9% nicotine, it is considered to be a strong source of the said highly addictive substance, making it a solid choice for pure chewing tobacco. Its stems and leaves are used and cultivated for commercial purposes, including chewing tobacco production.

Undergo Curing Process

Once the tobacco leaves are harvested, they are subsequently subjected to curing. This step is important since it removes excess moisture from the leaves. Additionally, it’s meant to let the desired flavours from the tobacco come out. Several methods of curing can be done to tobacco leaves.

  • Air curing: Air curing is done by hanging the leaves in a well-ventilated building or area, allowing them to dry naturally for 4-8 weeks. Some manufacturers would burn coke, charcoal, or petroleum gas to meet certain ventilation conditions. 
  • Flue curing: During flue-curing, tobacco leaves are dried using heat from a flue or chimney in barns for numerous days. This gives the leaves a lighter, more aromatic flavour. Some fuels used for the heat include wood, coal, oil, and liquid petroleum gas. If oil or gas heaters are present, flues are not maximized anymore. To determine if the desired chemical and physical properties are achieved, the leaves are carefully observed during the curing process.
  • Sun curing: Another curing process that can be done to tobacco leaves is sun curing. Sun curing involves drying the tobacco leaves directly in the sun. It is carried out with aromatic to strong types of tobacco and to a limited extent with air-cured tobacco leaves. 
  • Fire curing: The fire curing process, ultimately, resembles the process of air curing except that open wood fires are kindled on the floor of the curing area after hanging the tobacco leaves for two to six days. The smoke from the saidwood fires latches onto the leaves, providing a characteristic aroma of creosote. The process of firing may be either continuous or intermittent and is usually done for around 3-10 weeks.

The curing process is successful when tobacco leaves undergo significant physical and chemical transformations, indicating the development of the desired properties for the tobacco products they will become. They undergo four key phases: wilting, yellowing, colouring, and drying. 

Ferment the Cured Leaves

After curing the tobacco leaves, they are subjected to fermentation. Fermentation is the process of allowing tobacco leaves to undergo a biochemical transformation, making sure they develop the desired flavours, reduce bitterness, and break down harmful compounds. This is done by stacking the tobacco leaves in piles or boxes. They are left there to naturally ferment under specific conditions. Over time, the pile generates heat from within, promoting microbial activity that changes the properties of the leaves.

Strip and Cut Tobacco

To further process the tobacco leaves that will be used for chewing tobacco, they are stripped and cut. Stripping is done by removing large, thick stems from the tobacco leaves. Failure to do this step will only make the chewing tobacco uncomfortable and undesirable to consume. It is necessary to make the chewing tobacco soft and free from bitter taste, allowing for a pleasant chewing experience.

After stripping the stem, the leaves are then cut into smaller, chewable strips. The cutting process may be done either by hand or by machines. Cutting the tobacco leaves helps the final products to be more manageable and convenient to chew. It also ensures that the tobacco leaves will be consistent in terms of size, texture, and flavour.

Add Necessary Flavours

A key characteristic of chewing tobacco is it comes with many flavours, allowing tobacco consumers to pick one that best fits their preferred taste and aroma. 

Therefore, the newly stripped and cut tobacco leaves are blended with different flavours. Some come with minty and spicy flavourings, while others are paired with sweet or fruit taste notes. The addition of flavours is done by soaking the tobacco strips in a solution that contains molasses, sugar, glycerin, and high-quality flavouring agents. 

Aside from the added flavouring ingredients, the overall taste of chewing tobacco can be altered by mixing different varieties of tobacco. This process, which is known as blending, generates a distinctive flavour profile for chewing tobacco. 

Chewing tobacco with milder, sweeter, and more aromatic flavours, the nicotiana tabacum is often added. Nicotiana rustica, alternatively, is added for chewing tobacco with a stronger and more robust flavour profile as well as a higher nicotine strength.

Moisten the Mixture

To make sure the chewing tobacco will be soft and pliable, it is further moistened with water, molasses, or a similar liquid. This step helps the tobacco ingredients boast the right texture and ensures they are comfortable enough to be consumed.

Some manufacturers, however, subject the tobacco leaves to aging. The purpose of this additional step is to deepen the taste and smoothness of the tobacco products.

Assess and Package

Before packaging the chewing tobacco, manufacturers would carry out quality control measures to know whether the end tobacco products are ready for sale and consumption. These measures verify if the chewing tobacco already possesses the right consistency in terms of flavour, texture, and moisture content. Once everything is checked and assessed, the chewing tobacco is cut into the desired portions and packaged in pouches, cans, or plastic wraps.

Most companies that manufacture and sell chewing tobacco follow the previously discussed steps in making the said tobacco product. Of course, they would most likely add a number of ingredients and processes to make their products unique, allowing them to entice as many smokeless tobacco users as possible. They then sell these products alongside other smokeless tobacco products like moist snuff, dipping tobacco, snuff tobacco, and even nicotine pouches.

How Is Chewing Tobacco Made in Canada

Before knowing how chewing tobacco is made in Canada, we must first take a look at various data on the consumption of smokeless tobacco in the country.

For the past few years, the sales of smokeless tobacco products in Canada have remained relatively constant. Around 20-30% of these sales account for snuff tobacco, which could be due to the convenience of sniffing the loosely finely cut or powdered dry tobacco through the nostrils.

Other data, alternatively, showcases an increase in chewing tobacco consumption, particularly among native populations, college athletes, and young people. Additionally, those who are smoking have been found to be using chewing tobacco as well.

The popularity of chewing tobacco may not still reach the level of fame cigarette smoking currently enjoys, but it is already enough for smokeless tobacco brands in Canada to push their portfolio and add chewing tobacco to their respective product lineup.

Now, when it comes to the production of chewing tobacco in Canada, it basically follows the processes mentioned above.The only difference lies in the regulations manufacturers have to comply with so they can legally distribute and sell their offerings to Canadian chewing tobacco users.

Here’s an overview of how chewing tobacco is made and produced in Canada.

Tobacco Cultivation

Here in Canada, tobacco plants are grown in regions such as Ontario, Quebec, and some parts of British Columbia. The varied areas where tobacco plants can grow and be cultivated allow tobacco makers to come up with chewing tobacco that boasts varying flavour profiles. But one particular type of tobacco often used here in Canada is Nicotiana tabacum. 

To make sure chewing tobacco boasts the right taste and aroma, the tobacco leaves must be harvested at the right time. Usually, the tobacco leaves are grown during the warmer months and then harvested once they boast the right size and colour. Usually, the harvesting season of tobacco takes place in late summer or early autumn as this is when the tobacco leaves typically mature.

Tobacco Curing 

After harvesting the tobacco leaves, they are cured to remove any moisture and develop more flavours. Some Canadian tobacco farmers subject the tobacco leaves to air curing or the process of leaving the leaves in a well-ventilated barn to dry. Others, alternatively, take advantage of flue-curing, which is done by drying the tobacco leaves through the heated air from a flue or chimney. Sun curing may also be used by chewing tobacco manufacturers to achieve the desired properties.

The process of curing is typically done in a controlled environment to help the tobacco leaves attain the right taste and texture. It is often carried out for several weeks.

Fermentation Process

While this step is optional, the fermentation process is done by a number of chewing tobacco makers to further improve the flavour of the tobacco leaves as well as reduce their bitterness.

Fermentation is basically done by stacking the cured tobacco leaves in piles so that the natural heat from the microbial activity will break down their compounds. During this process, the flavour of the tobacco leaves becomes mellow, while their smoothness elevates further.

Similar to curing, fermentation can take several weeks or months.

Stripping and Cutting

If you own a smokeless tobacco company, you most probably think of the best ways to make your chewing tobacco to be loved by many consumers. This is where stripping and cutting enter.

The stems of the tobacco leaves must be cut so that the chewing tobacco remains smooth once consumed. This step, known as stripping, makes sure that the final chewing tobacco will be free from hard, fibrous stems and remain chewable.

Furthermore, the remaining tobacco leaves should be cut into smaller, chewable pieces or strips. The size and shape of the cut will vary depending on the intended product (such as loose-leaf tobacco, plug, or fine-cut tobacco) of the chewing tobacco manufacturer.

Blending of Flavours

Since different parts of Canada cultivate and harvest varying types of tobacco, chewing tobacco manufacturers have the option to mix and blend them to come up with tobacco products with distinct flavour profiles. Most of the time, they would blend milder tobacco varieties with stronger ones. They can then add flavourings like molasses, sweeteners, or mint to elevate the taste.

Some flavouring agents and additives that are added by chewing tobacco manufacturers here in Canada include wintergreen, mint, or cherry. 

To make this particular step successful, the tobacco leaves are soaked or sprayed with flavoured liquids or molasses, making sure they can guarantee a smooth chewing tobacco experience.

Adjustment and Conditioning

Once blending is complete, the tobacco leaves are moistened to achieve the desired texture for chewing. Maintaining the appropriate moisture content makes sure that the chewing tobacco products will be soft enough to chew. During moisture adjustment, a solution of water or flavoured liquid is typically sprayed into the tobacco to achieve these properties.

Now, in some instances, chewing tobacco may undergo final conditioning to help evenly distribute its flavour and moisture. This is done by allowing the tobacco leaves to sit in a controlled environment for a specific amount of time, typically around several hours to a few days.

Afterwards, the tobacco leaves are subjected to quality control measures to make sure they possess the right consistency in flavour, texture, and moisture content. They are then checked for defects and adjusted to meet the quality standards of the manufacturer.

In Canada, chewing tobacco must be packaged in a manner that includes health warnings or warning labels clearly stating the risks associated with tobacco use. This ensures that manufacturers adhere to the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA). Furthermore, the packaging must comply with Canadian health regulations by including the manufacturer’s branding and flavour information.

How Is Chewing Tobacco Made in America

The manufacturing process of chewing tobacco in America closely follows the general process of making the same products in Canada and other parts of the world. The only things that are different with chewing tobacco production in America include the location where the tobacco plants are cultivated and the forms or types of chewing tobacco being produced by manufacturers.

Now, there are numerous types of chewing tobacco that are popular in the United States.

  • Loose leaf tobacco: Loose leaf tobacco is produced commercially and is comprised of loose cigar tobacco leaves, which typically come from Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. The leaves are normally air-cured, stemmed, cut or granulated, and loosely packed to form small strips of shredded tobacco. They are then sweetened and flavoured with licorice and are packed in pouches weighing about 3 oz. The sugar content of these tobacco products can reach as high as 35%. To consume this, you can place a piece of tobacco (0.75 to 1 inch in diameter) between your cheek and lower lip and chew or hold it in place. 
  • Plug tobacco products: Plug, the oldest form of chewing tobacco, is crafted from heavier grades of Burley and bright tobacco or cigar tobacco leaves that are harvested from the plant’s top. After removing the stems, the leaves are soaked in a mixture of sugar or licorice, pressed into the plug, covered with a wrapper leaf, and then shaped into bricks or flat blocks. Moist-plug tobacco products boast at least 15% moisture content, while firm-plug tobacco products have less than 15% moisture content. Moist plug tobacco products are consumed by either chewing them or holding them between the cheek or lower lip and gum. Saliva can then be spat or swallowed.
  • Twist or roll chewing tobacco: Twist or roll chewing tobacco products, typically handcrafted by commercial manufacturers in the tobacco industry, are made from dark, air- or fire-cured Burley tobacco leaves. These leaves are blended with a tar-like tobacco leaf extract and flavours and are twisted into dried rope-like strands. These products are often sold by the piece, in small or large sizes, depending on the number of leaves in the twist.

Most users of chewing tobacco in the USA are men, though some American Indian and Alaskan Native communities typically have a relatively high prevalence of using these products. 

Prevalence, however, has declined after reaching a peak of 4.1% in the 1980s. In 2000, 2.5% of men and 0.1% of women used chewing tobacco. These figures are a testament that chewing tobacco has existed for a long time now, especially in the American market.

The decline in the production of chewing tobacco, particularly in the USA, may be brought by the newer nicotine products being sold in the market today. Vaping products or e-cigarettes, for instance, have emerged as a way to consume nicotine while imitating the feeling of cigarette smoking. Nicotine pouches have also become popular among smokeless nicotine users as they don’t emit any tobacco smoke, which is the main source of cancer-causing substances. 

Despite the decline in sales, the chewing tobacco market in America is still filled with a number of options from a wide variety of brands. These brands include:

  • Red Man: Red Man is a widely recognized and long-standing brand of chewing tobacco in the US, particularly in North America. The brand offers both loose-leaf tobacco and plug chewing tobacco in a wide range of flavours, like Golden Blend and Original. Generally, Red Man offerings have a sweet, full-bodied flavour alongside a smooth, sweet, and robust tobacco experience which is brought by their finely selected tobacco leaves and meticulous curing process.
  • Beech-Nut: Beech-Nut is another popular brand of chewing tobacco known for its loose-leaf chewing tobacco with smooth and slightly sweet flavour. It embodies a tradition that has not only captivated many chewers for more than a century but also closed the gap between the experienced and the newcomers.
  • Levi Garrett: Another popular chewing tobacco brand that is known today is Levi Garrett. Since 1871, this brand has been long synonymous with a mellow and sweet flavour profile that immediately resonates with the soul of the chewer. It has been well-regarded for its chewability and consistency, the key qualities not all chewing tobacco possess. Levi Garrett offerings are typically best consumed on the fields, in the dugouts, and in other outdoor spaces. 
  • Stoker’s: One more American brand of chewing tobacco you can find in the market today is Stoker’s. It has built a reputation for its generous portions without compromising quality. Stoker’s offerings even come at affordable prices, which makes them value for money. Most of its products are primarily loose-leaf. However, it also offers other forms of tobacco like moist snuff. A number of products from Stoker’s can be purchased at NativeSmokes4Less.

When consuming chewing tobacco, make sure to always stick to the recommended portions of the manufacturers. Can you swallow chewing tobacco? While it might be possible, it’s strongly discouraged, as swallowing it can lead to nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, and other health issues due to its high nicotine content. Additionally, you don’t want to risk yourself developing illnesses like oral cancer, cardiovascular disease, and others due to prolonged exposure to tobacco additives and their content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is chewing tobacco made step by step?

Chewing tobacco is made by harvesting and curing tobacco leaves to preserve their sweetness and natural flavours. The cured leaves are then stripped of stems, sorted, and blended to attain a balanced flavour and texture. They are further cut into strips, sprayed or soaked with flavouring agents, and conditioned to the desired moisture content before being packaged and sold to the public.

What are the ingredients of chewing tobacco?

The ingredients of chewing tobacco include tobacco leaves, natural sweeteners like molasses or honey, and flavourings such as cherry, mint, or wintergreen. They are sometimes added with preservatives to maintain freshness.

What type of tobacco is used for chewing?

The primary types of tobacco used for chewing are Burley and Dark Tobacco (nicotiana tabacum). These tobacco types are well-known for their mild flavour, natural sweetness, and chewable texture.


Chewing tobacco, which has been around for more than a century, has been the go-to nicotine source for many nicotine users around the world. It is typically made by tobacco companies through the meticulous process of harvesting the right types of tobacco leaves. These leaves are then cured, stripped of stems, cut, sorted, and blended with flavourings and other tobacco elements to further elevate their taste, aroma, and texture.

After undergoing and passing quality control measures, these tobacco products are distributed to sellers all over the world. If you are in Canada, you can buy a number of chewing tobacco from our online store at NativeSmokes4Less. We offer chewing tobacco alongside other smokeless tobacco products at very competitive prices. We can then ship them to your doorstep as soon as you order.

Now that you know how chewing tobacco is made, it’s time for you to know what makes it distinctive from other tobacco products like snus. Know the differences between snus and chewing tobacco here.