Category Archives: Vapes

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Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt?

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt

With the rise of vapes around the world, vape manufacturers ensure they are on top of the industry. Therefore, they constantly release new models of e-cigarettes. They likewise formulate different e-liquid flavours to come up with palatable and aromatic vapours. They then step up their marketing game so they can reach as many consumers as […]

How Old Do You Have to Be to Vape?

How Old Do You Have to Be to Vape

Vaping has become a widespread hobby, largely due in fact to the many videos being uploaded on social media that feature celebrities endorsing vape products or vaping pros doing elaborate vape tricks. This has garnered the attention of a lot of people from varying age ranges. And with this increase in attention comes an equal […]

How to Recharge a Disposable Vape?

How to Recharge a Disposable Vape

Disposable vapes have become one of the most used products by cigarette smokers and nicotine users due to their portability and accessibility. You can easily buy one in your nearest vape shop or online store. You can then choose from a myriad of e-cigarette flavours and options. Another benefit of using disposable vapes is they […]

Why Do People Vape?

Why Do People Vape

People from various walks of life are picking up vapes for a myriad of varying reasons. Some take up vaping as a hobby, while others vape as a form of rehabilitation. There are even some people who vape as a source of income. Understanding why people vape requires looking beyond the surface and delving into […]

Are Vapes Illegal in Canada?

Are Vapes Illegal in Canada

In Canada, vaping laws are designed to balance the need for harm reduction concerning public health, especially regarding younger people. Those classified as electronic nicotine delivery systems such as vaping products like e-cigarettes and e-liquids, are legal in Canada but are regulated under the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act (TVPA), originally known as the tobacco […]

How Vapes Affect Your Body

How Vapes Affect Your Body

With sleek designs and curiosity-inducing flavors, it’s no surprise that many people have turned to e-cigarettes as a way to reduce or quit smoking, with some people even having it as a regular hobby or profession. But while vaping is often marketed as a safer option, it’s important to understand how vapes affect your body. […]

What Is in a Vape Exactly?

What Is in a Vape Exactly

Cigarettes are so old school and outdated these days. There’s just too many risks involved in cigarettes. Now, with vaping devices being a modern alternative, many people are joining in on the vape train. But what exactly are you inhaling when you take a puff from a vape? This guide will unravel the mysteries of […]

Are Vapes Safe?

Are Vapes Safe

In recent years, vaping has surged in popularity as an alternative to traditional smoking. And indeed, that is the original purpose of vapes: to serve as a healthier, more viable substitute to smoking with the goal of eventually weaning the user out of smoking for good. But while many see it as a less harmful […]