Healthy Cigarettes Alternatives: What Can I Smoke Instead of Cigarettes

Healthy Cigarettes Alternatives_ What Can I Smoke Instead of Cigarettes

The health risks associated with cigarette smoking have pushed many adult smokers all over the world to switch to healthy cigarette alternatives. But are they really healthy?

This question remains since a number of cigarette alternatives still contain tobacco that can cause the same adverse effects found on cigarettes. Additionally, the presence of nicotine can likewise become a factor in determining whether alternatives to cigarettes are healthy or not.

In this blog, we’ll list all potential healthy cigarette alternatives that you can smoke or consume in lieu of tobacco smoking products. We’ll also determine which one of them can be used to stop cravings, promote relaxation, and regulate the deprivation of nicotine.

Is There a Healthier Cigarette?

Before cigarettes were made and developed, people of the past first found tobacco, the main ingredient for cigarettes and other similar tobacco products. 

Around 2,000 years ago, tobacco, in its pure form, was chewed and smoked by early communities as part of their cultural or religious ceremonies and events. 

By the 1600s, the same plant had spread across Europe and England as a monetary standard. And a couple of decades later, tobacco smoking has become more widespread in a lot of countries all over the world.

Since many adults continued to smoke for recreational purposes, cigarettes finally found their spot in the tobacco industry. They have also become widespread due to the development of cigarette-making machines that are capable of producing around 200 minutes per minute. This value has increased significantly today, allowing one machine to produce up to 9,000 cigarettes per minute. 

The trend for smoking cigarettes would continue to rise in the early 20th century. The popularity of these tobacco products is mainly attributed to the stronger promotion of cigarettes as well as the growing influence of the tobacco industry when it comes to the policy-making of political parties.

Later in the same century, however, cigarette smoking became less popular among adult smokers due to the growing number of studies that associate tobacco smoke with a wide variety of serious illnesses, which have affected both smokers and nonsmokers.

To save the cigarette industry from falling apart, tobacco companies now find ways to come up with different methods and formulations of producing cigarettes. 

For one, many of them have crafted special types of filters to make cigarettes somehow healthier and safer. Filtered cigarettes, however, cannot be considered a healthier version of tobacco products. After all, they still contain tobacco, which produces harmful chemicals in the form of cigarette smoke.

Cigarette makers have also tried making light cigarettes. 

Light cigarettes are marketed to give off less tobacco tar than regular cigarettes whenever they are smoked. They also feature filters covered in white paper, which is different from regular cigarettes since they take advantage of tan paper. The white filter has tiny holes that allow a higher proportion of air in each drag, causing smokers to inhale more air with each puff than regular cigarette smokers.

Despite the modifications in their overall composition, light cigarettes are still considered unhealthy. Even though they generate lower tar values, smokers are still exposed to the same chemicals present in regular cigarettes whenever they smoke due to tobacco. 

So, smoking light cigarettes can still expose you to nicotine, tar, and carcinogens, which are the primary toxic chemicals that cause lung injuries, heart disease, and many more.

The only way to reduce your chances of getting these health risks is to quit smoking and free yourself from the leash of tobacco smoke.

Healthy Cigarettes Alternatives

Many adults around the world have been opting for traditional cigarettes to get their nicotine fix. Nicotine, after all, is a chemical that helps in providing a soothing sensation to one’s mind and body.

Whenever you smoke one, the nicotine is released by the tobacco smoke. As it enters your body and hits the brain, it generates effects similar to those produced by other rewards like social connection, food, and sex. It also increases the levels of dopamine as well as gives a small adrenaline rush. But as the effects wear off, you may begin feeling irritated or anxious.

To compensate for these negative emotions, you end up smoking more cigarettes until you are satisfied.

This makes cigarettes harmful. Since they contain tobacco that produces harmful substances, smoking them regularly puts you at risk of developing cancer and other serious illnesses.

If you already know these facts, then you might be wondering whether there are healthy cigarette alternatives out there. You may even be looking for alternatives that can provide you with the same nicotine fix cigarettes provide without the harmful effects of tobacco. You might also be wondering if there are healthy alternatives to cigarettes that you can use in the same way as puffing regular cigarettes.

One popular alternative to cigarettes these days is electronic cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) or vaping products are battery-powered devices that produce aerosols. These aerosols are the vaporized form of e-liquid or vape juice, which contains nicotine, flavourings, and other ingredients.

You can find many brands and flavours of vaping products at NativeSmokes4Less, your top online retailer in Canada. Some brands of vapes we sell include Geek Bar, Lost Mary, Elf Bar, and OXBar.

Many vape brands advertise these products as a less harmful alternative to cigarettes due to the lack of tobacco. However, they still pose some dangers to the users.

The American Lung Association has stated that e-cigarettes may contain harmful substances whenever they are puffed. These substances include nicotine, carcinogens, acrolein, diethylene glycol, cadmium, benzene, and heavy metals. When used for a long time, vaping products can increase the risk of lung injuries, seizures, and other neurological symptoms.

Another popular alternative to cigarettes is cigars.

Cigars are products comprised of tobacco rolled inside tobacco-containing substances or a tobacco leaf. Judging from their primary composition, you can easily notice that they are filled with tobacco elements. Since tobacco has been established as the main source of harmful chemicals, cigars would not be the best alternative to cigarettes.

When you smoke a cigar, you still pose yourself to get different types of cancers, lung diseases, and coronary artery diseases. Smoking a cigar may even lead to gum disease and tooth loss, which are also possible when smoking cigarettes. 

An emerging alternative to cigarettes that some smokers have turned to is shisha.

Shisha is a flavoured tobacco-containing product that’s smoked through a water pipe known as a hookah. Similar to vaping products and cigars, shisha is not considered a healthy alternative to cigarettes since using it can expose you to tobacco and cause a lot of health problems.

Some health problems you may get from smoking hookahs include lung, bladder, stomach, and oral cancers, heart diseases, clogged arteries, reduced fertility, and decreased lung function.

Shisha may also use charcoal for heating, which increases your risk of developing more health issues. Some chemicals produced by burning charcoal include carbon monoxide, metals, and carcinogens, which you can inhale when smoking hookahs.

All these products may allow you to puff and smoke in the same manner as cigarettes. However, they are not less harmful than tobacco products. They can still pose health risks as they produce harmful chemicals whenever you smoke or use them.

Healthy Alternatives to Smoking Cigarettes

If you’re willing to let go of cigarettes and finally quit smoking, then one of the things you should do is find healthy alternatives to smoking cigarettes.

Do keep in mind that quitting smoking takes a lot of time and effort. It will also challenge your mind and body for the next few months, especially if you’ve been smoking cigarettes for years. You don’t want to end up smoking again just to get rid of the withdrawal symptoms you might feel along the way.

Your nicotine cravings and cigarette cravings will remain for a few weeks or even months after quitting smoking. Therefore, you should familiarise yourself with various tools for nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and opt for those that could truly help you veer away from cigarettes gradually. 

One notable NRT product you can use is nicotine gum. 

Nicotine gum is an over-the-counter or OTC product that releases nicotine whenever you chew it. Once you feel a tingling sensation in your mouth and notice a peppery taste in your palate, you must place the gum between your cheek and gums for about half an hour. This NRT product can be consumed every 2 hours to not only regulate nicotine intake but also control withdrawal symptoms. 

Another NRT product you can rely on is the nicotine lozenge. Nicotine lozenges are OTC products that you can also place in your mouth between your cheek and gums. They work by releasing nicotine slowly while dissolving in your mouth. Whenever they release the said chemical, you may feel a slight warm or tingly sensation, the same sensation you may get from nicotine gums. 

While they require a prescription from a healthcare provider, nicotine inhalers and nicotine nasal sprays can both help you get your nicotine fix while progressing with your smoking cessation journey. 

Nicotine inhalers contain a nicotine-containing cartridge that can be used by inhaling from and exhaling into its mouthpiece. They may work and look similar to electronic nicotine delivery systems or electronic cigarettes (particularly vape pens) but they have been officially approved by authorities all over the world to be used as a tool for quitting smoking. 

Alternatively, nicotine nasal sprays are meant for those who have a severe nicotine addiction. They come in the form of pump bottles, which contain nicotine in liquid form. To use them, you have to spray them into each of your nostrils. It’s important to note that they tend to work very quickly, making them addictive like tobacco or nicotine products. This is the reason why they must be used with caution.

Now, if you don’t want to take nicotine orally, then nicotine patches are for you.

Nicotine patches are OTC products that you can use to attain a steady dose of nicotine throughout the day. You just have to place one on your skin and you’re good to go. Typically, a nicotine patch can last you for 16 to 24 hours, which is already long enough for an NRT product.

NRT products don’t produce anything in the air. They also generally don’t contain tobacco. These qualities make NRT products healthier alternatives to cigarettes. Just ensure that you use them moderately and consult your doctor about their proper usage.

Aside from NRT products, another alternative to cigarettes that are getting popular nowadays is nicotine pouches. Nicotine pouches are nicotine-containing pouches that can be consumed by placing one between your upper lip and the gum. They gradually release nicotine into your bloodstream without needing to spit, chew, or swallow anything. 

Nicotine pouches are available for sale at NativeSmokes4Less.

Alternative to Cigarettes for Relaxation

There are a lot of things that happen whenever you smoke a stick of cigarette.

Whenever you smoke a cigarette, its nicotine content reaches your brain in about 10 seconds. For the first few minutes, this chemical improves your mood and concentration. It can also decrease anger and stress, relax your muscles, and reduce your appetite.

As time passes, regular consumption of nicotine can slowly affect your brain functions until you manifest nicotine withdrawal symptoms once the nicotine content in your body gets low. The only way to alleviate these symptoms is to smoke another cigarette. It then becomes a cycle, pushing you to become nicotine dependent.

You may feel the need to smoke cigarettes just to relax and soothe yourself from any negative emotions or feelings. However, studies have shown that doing so actually elevates anxiety and tension. While nicotine does provide an immediate sense of relaxation, it is only temporary. 

As soon as the nicotine content in your body depletes, your cravings for cigarettes increase and linger. Withdrawal symptoms may also show up. And the only way to get rid of these things is to smoke. 

The same principles apply if you are depressed. Adults with depression tend to smoke more than those without depression just to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions that they are thinking or feeling. Nicotine, after all, stimulates dopamine release that triggers positive feelings. 

Smoking in the long term, unfortunately, commands the brain to switch off the mechanism that makes dopamine. Hence, it only prompts you to smoke more.

Different techniques, fortunately, are available for those who want to feel relaxed without needing to light a cigarette. These relaxation techniques can work alongside NRT products to ensure you don’t have to crave another cigarette again. 

  • Drink a glass of water. Smokers often light a cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up. Instead, drink a tall glass of iced water immediately after getting out of bed to energize your metabolism, hydrate, and flush out toxins. This drinking habit can then be done throughout the day.
  • Do morning stretches. A morning stretch routine gives you many physical and mental benefits, which include lowering blood pressure and reducing body inflammation. Your routine may cover different major muscle groups, with each stretch lasting for 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Practice deep breathing. To reduce stress levels and clear your lungs, practice deep breathing at least twice a day. You can do deep breaths by inhaling through your nose for five seconds, then exhaling through your mouth for another five seconds.
  • Seek fresh air. Sometimes, changing your perspective brings a lot of positive effects on your day. To relax and turn your focus on your surroundings, you must allocate a portion of your day just to go outside and have a brisk walk.
  • Reach out and be social. Problems will always exist. But to help ease your worries and troubles without turning to cigarettes, you must find time to socialize with your friends or loved ones by either sending a text or making a call. 
  • Have a no-tech hour. Contrary to the previous point, having a no-technology hour before you go to bed can also help relax you a little bit without resorting to cigarettes. This evening routine can help wind down your body and improve your sleep quality.

What Can I Smoke Instead of Cigarettes?

Cigarettes provide a soothing sensation whenever you light up one. However, due to the rising concerns regarding their consumption, more and more adults are starting to find alternatives to these tobacco products. Additionally, they may want to slowly cut their tobacco dependence.

If you are among those who want to find an alternative product to smoke, then you have a plethora of options available. Many of them have been discussed before in this blog, but knowing them further may help you pick one that fits your preferences.

The closest product you can opt for in lieu of cigarettes is electronic cigarettes.

Most electronic cigarettes can be used similarly to traditional cigarettes. You only have to inhale through the vaping device’s mouthpiece and puff its aerosol, which is similar to the act of smoking. 

The aerosol from vaping products contains nicotine, flavours, and other ingredients, which somehow mimic the elements found in cigarette smoke. The only difference is they don’t contain any tobacco leaf, making them less harmful.

Aside from being free from tobacco ingredients, e-cigarettes also come in a wide variety of flavours. If you miss the rich taste notes of tobacco, you can buy an e-cigarette with a tobacco flavour. Otherwise, you can go for vaping products with fruit, menthol, or drink-inspired flavours.

However, if you still like tobacco in your smoking products, then cigars are the right choice for you.

Cigars contain dried and fermented tobacco leaves that have been rolled and bundled. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, giving you the liberty to pick one that suits your desired smoking duration, throat hits, and flavour intensity.

NativeSmokes4Less caters to many tobacco users in Canada, including those who prefer cigars. You can visit our online store to check our cigar offerings, available at competitive prices.

Keep in mind, however, that cigars are known for producing more tar than cigarettes. They also put you in contact with higher levels of harmful substances like carbon monoxide as opposed to cigarettes.

Healthy Alternatives to Smoking That Help Stop Cravings

Tobacco users, especially those who smoke cigarettes, may crave nicotine almost regularly. They may also have smoking urges that can become intense at times and difficult to resist. Fortunately, overcoming these challenges is possible by doing the right things.

When you feel the urge to smoke, you should remember that it often passes within 5 to 10 minutes, regardless of how strong it could be. Your cravings may dwindle over time as long as you carry out steps that not only regulate your nicotine intake but stop you from going back to cigarettes.

Some steps you can do to help stop cravings for cigarettes are as follows:

  1. Opt for nicotine replacement therapy tools.
  2. Avoid situations or instances that trigger cigarette use.
  3. Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy.
  4. Do short bursts of physical activity like exercising, walking, or jogging.
  5. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
  6. Connect with a support group, friends, or family members.
  7. Remind yourself of the perks of quitting smoking.
  8. Learn from others how they managed cigarette cravings.

Doing these steps can help you slowly beat cigarette cravings until you no longer need to smoke another stick of cigarette in your life. You can seek professional help from a doctor so they can guide you on how to manage cravings and quit smoking properly. You don’t want to end up giving in to your withdrawal symptoms and reverting to cigarette smoking.

What Can I Smoke Instead of Cigarettes at Home?

In Canada, cigarette smoking has been prohibited in public spaces for the betterment of public health. This regulation is intended to not only save nonsmokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke but also to encourage a percentage of smokers to stop smoking.

At home, you can smoke as many cigarettes as you want since you aren’t in public anymore. But given the risks associated with cigarettes, you may be thinking of switching to smoking alternatives to satisfy your nicotine cravings. 

One option you may think that you can smoke instead of cigarettes at home is shisha. 

Shisha, as discussed earlier, can be used with the help of a water pipe or hookah. This water pipe, however, is more expensive than cigars and vaping products. It also requires a lot of time for the whole setup. So, before you can attain your nicotine fix with shisha, you might only end up getting frustrated due to the amount of time and effort you’ve consumed and exerted.

So, if you like the convenience of cigarettes, then one option you can pick to smoke at home is an electronic cigarette.

E-cigarettes come in a compact form factor that closely resembles the small build of cigarettes. Some types of vaping products may require recharging or refilling, but they can generally save you some money in the long run. They then come in many flavours, allowing you to elevate your nicotine consumption without depending on tobacco.

To use an e-cigarette, simply place it in your mouth and puff to activate the device. As you inhale through the mouthpiece, you’ll be greeted with an aerosol containing your desired nicotine and flavours. Once you’re finished vaping, store the device safely.

But if you still crave the authentic taste of tobacco leaves in your smoking products, consider switching to cigars instead of cigarettes at home.

Cigars are crafted with pure tobacco ingredients, making them the closest tobacco product you can smoke at home to cigarettes. To light a cigar, all you need is a lighter and a bit of patience.

Simply place the cigar’s foot over the lighter without touching the flame. Then, gently rotate the cigar until the edges of the wrapper turn thinly black. Once ready, you can indulge in the cigar’s rich flavour.

While it may take a bit longer than lighting up a cigarette, the throat hits and flavour intensity of a cigar are often regarded as superior. However, cigars tend to be more harmful than cigarettes since they produce more tar and other harmful substances with each puff.

What Herbs Can I Smoke Instead of Cigarettes?

In the quest to find alternatives to cigarettes, some adult smokers are starting to switch to herbs for their smoking routines. But before exploring your options, you must first know a few things about herbs.

First, not all herbs can be used for smoking. Some herbs may be poisonous or cause serious health issues even in one smoking session. Therefore, it’s important to do your own research thoroughly and purchase herbs from a trusted supplier.

Second, smoking herbs can still pose health risks. Whenever you smoke herbs, you are inhaling the tar and resin from the plants, which can be damaging to your lungs, throat, and mouth. To somehow protect yourself from these health risks, you must take advantage of a pipe with a good filter system to purify the smoke you’re getting from the herbs.

Now, what herbs can you smoke instead of cigarettes?

  • Calendula: Calendula, or marigold, is a supportive herb with citrusy terpenes that enhances mood, soothes lungs, and promotes vivid dreams after smoking.
  • Damania: Damania is an aphrodisiac herb with a cannabis-like flavour, best known for enhancing mood and reducing stress.
  • Lavender: Lavender provides a sweet flavour and aroma to herbal smoking blends, offsetting harshness and promoting relaxation thanks to its terpene linalool.
  • Marshmallow root: Marshmallow root can be added to your smoking blend to smooth out harsh hits, soothe sore throats and coughs, and provide a mild psychoactive buzz.
  • Mugwort: Mugwort is a dream herb that provides lucid, colourful dreams and relaxation. It can be used as a good base herb to add to your herbal blend.
  • Mullein: Mullein is a great base herb for blends due to its mild flavour and expectorant properties, making it beneficial for those who are experiencing respiratory issues.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint adds a minty flavour and cool aftertaste to your smoking blends, while also cleansing the respiratory system and improving circulation.
  • Thyme: Thyme is an herb that produces a strong, earthy aroma and a slightly minty flavour. It’s known for enhancing smoking blends with its relaxing properties.

Smoking herbs instead of cigarettes is an excellent way to reduce cigarette dependency. 

It allows you to maintain your smoking habits without consuming the harmful substances present in cigarette smoke. Additionally, it eliminates the lingering odour associated with smoking, as herbs only produce a pleasant aroma when lit.

Things to Do Instead of Smoking When You Feel Deprived

Feeling deprived when not smoking is often a combination of nicotine addiction and psychological dependency. Cigarettes, after all, contain highly addictive nicotine. When you stop smoking, your dopamine levels drop, leading to feelings of deprivation or low mood.

Additionally, you may feel deprived due to withdrawal symptoms, which include irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and cravings.

Furthermore, if you’ve regularly smoked cigarettes as part of your daily routines, like after meals or during breaks, stopping this habit creates a psychological sense of loss. You can also feel deprived if you’ve associated cigarettes with stress relief. Every time you feel stressed, you don’t have anything else to turn to besides the relaxing sensation of cigarettes.

When you feel deprived and genuinely want to quit smoking cigarettes, here are some alternative actions you can take.

  1. Learn the main expectations when you quit smoking cigarettes.
  2. Make a list of the pros and cons of smoking cigarettes.
  3. Research key facts and statistics about smoking cigarettes.
  4. Write a heartfelt goodbye letter to your cigarettes.
  5. Create a budget and know how much savings you get when you quit smoking.
  6. Make a list of small treats you’ll reward yourself after each day of going smoke-free.
  7. List activities you’ll enjoy doing once cravings hit.
  8. Make a to-do list for the upcoming week.

These things may be small, but they are enough to keep your mind busy. They also help you stick to your own reasons for quitting cigarettes in the first place, making sure you stick to your plan of going cigarette-free for the rest of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the healthiest cigarette alternative?

The healthiest cigarette alternatives you can use today are nicotine replacement therapy products and nicotine pouches. They still contain nicotine, which is also found in cigarettes. However, they lack tobacco products, making them essentially safer. 

What is a less harmful alternative to cigarettes?

A less harmful alternative to cigarettes is electronic cigarettes. While it is not completely risk-free, an e-cigarette doesn’t contain tobacco leaves, which are the main source of tar, carcinogens, and other harmful substances.

What healthy habits can replace smoking?

There are a couple of healthy habits you can do to replace smoking. They include working out, deep breathing or meditation, chewing gum or eating healthy snacks, drinking water regularly, practicing a hobby, and socializing with friends and loved ones.

Is there a safer alternative to nicotine?

Yes. Non-nicotine medications are available if you want to get rid of nicotine from your daily life. These medications include varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban). They work by altering brain receptors or affecting dopamine levels without the addictive chemical. They are often used alongside a quit-smoking plan and should be taken with professional help.

What is the new alternative to smoking?

The new alternative to smoking nowadays is using nicotine products like nicotine replacement therapy tools and nicotine pouches. These products are considered less harmful since they don’t contain any tobacco elements. They can also help you regulate your overall nicotine consumption.

What is a good substitute for cigarettes?

A good substitute for cigarettes are nicotine pouches and nicotine replacement therapy products as they prevent you from being exposed to harmful substances linked to tobacco smoke.

What herbs are safe to smoke?

Some herbs that are safe to smoke are calendula, damania, lavender, marshmallow root, mugwort, mullein, peppermint, and thyme. Just make sure to get them from a reputable supplier and use them in a pipe with a good filter system to keep you safe.


Cigarettes have been around for centuries, making them popular in many countries, including Canada. Learn more about smoking cigarettes statistics here.

However, since they are now known to cause various health problems, adult smokers like you may be looking for healthier alternatives to keep themselves safe.

While electronic cigarettes and cigars have become popular alternatives to cigarettes, they still produce potentially harmful substances whenever you use them. The best alternatives you use instead of smoking cigarettes are nicotine replacement therapy products, which include gum, lozenges, inhalers, nasal sprays, and patches. You can then pair these products with relaxation techniques to help you quit smoking, reduce cigarette dependency, and minimize the feeling of deprivation.